"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail"
Systems / Languages
HTML - CSS - JavaScript - jQuery
MySQL - MSSQL - SQLite - Oracle
Apache - ISS
C - C++ - Java
Android - ARM - PIC - iOS
A New Idea
Perhaps the idea you have hasn't been done before or not in the way you envisage. Maybe it's been done before, but you need it faster / smaller / bigger.
We are really excited about the things we're currently building and the readiness of people to embrace new, more effective ways of doing things.
'What' determines 'How'
First determine what your needs are and then establish the best tools for achieving delivery.
Sometimes, development choices can be incidental, but taking your project in one direction simply 'because' can lead you into a developmental cul-de-sac. It pays to make decisions based on facts rather than arbitrary guesswork.